Corporate Citizenship
“FormFactor views a successful business as not just achieving financial results, but also being a good corporate citizen. We hold ourselves accountable for our ethical, social and environmental impact around the world.”
Mike Slessor. CEO, FormFactor, Inc.
Our Sustainable Leadership
We have identified nine areas of focus for sustainability strategies based upon the nature of our business and stakeholders. These focus areas are aligned with our core values and help drive our priorities. We believe that this framework positions us for continuous improvement to have an enduring positive impact for all communities.

Sustainable Technology
We design products for a positive impact on society and the environment
Development and Engagement
We provide rewarding employee experiences and growth in all locations
Supply Chain Responsibility
We mitigate the sustainability risks in our extended supply chain

Volunteering & Youth Education
We support youth education and giving back to communities
Energy and Climate
We value energy efficiency and recognize the importance of addressing climate change
Waste and Chemicals
We reduce waste and carefully manage our use of hazardous substances

Diversity and Inclusion
We are committed to gender equality, and the inclusion of individuals from diverse cultures, abilities and backgrounds
Labor and Human Rights
We promote ethical labor practices and human rights, and have zero tolerance for forced labor
Health and Safety
We provide a safe workplace to ensure the health and well-being of personnel and local communities
Code of Business Conduct
FormFactor is committed to conducting business with integrity, trust and respect. As part of this pledge, we have adopted a Code of Business Conduct. Fulfilling our commitment to ethics and compliance is a critical part of earning sustainable business.
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Health and Safety
We provide a safe workplace to ensure the health and well-being of personnel and local communities
The health and safety of our personnel, visitors and neighboring communities is always a top priority. Our business success is fundamentally connected to the well-being of everyone involved.
All personnel are expected to support and participate in FormFactor’s achievement of high standards for a healthy, safe and secure workplace and local environment, such as:
- Assessing and controlling risks that may expose employees to occupational injuries or illnesses
- Establishing methods to identify and quickly address potential emergencies and hazards to minimize harm to people, property and the environment
- Developing safety programs based on industrywide standards tailored to address the specific circumstances in each of our operations
- Maintaining processes and procedures to ensure compliance with FormFactor’s EH&S policies and procedures
- Developing health benefit and wellness programs to improve access to high quality advice and care, and to support employees and their families through all stages of life
- Providing or participating in regular training that addresses safety in the workplace, including the proper use and handling of chemicals and equipment
- Identifying and promoting innovative measures to enhance the health and safety of our operations
- Promoting the adoption of prudent environmental, health and safety principles and practices by our suppliers of goods and services
- Creating products that are safe for their intended use and life-cycle
- Reducing our use of less safe materials where possible and substituting for safer alternatives
- Minimizing the environmental impacts of the materials we use
Investing in health, safety and wellness improves our results and strengthens our entire organization and communities.
Development and Engagement
We provide rewarding employee experiences and growth in all locations
Sustainable leadership requires the continuous development and engagement of personnel to maintain a productive and innovative workplace that can meet today’s and tomorrow’s global challenges. We are committed to providing personnel with resources and opportunities to expand their capabilities and reach their full potential, such as:
- Training programs and leadership development opportunities
- Coaching and mentoring of personnel, including within our mentoring programs, to help assess individual strengths, skills, and experience and define development goals
- Tuition reimbursement programs to support external training and education
- Driving employee engagement through inclusivity in training opportunities, awareness programs, and team practices
- Maintaining transparency and encouraging individual team member feedback on processes and initiatives
- Openly discussing roles, responsibilities and achievements to aid career development and improve performance
- Encouraging personnel to take on new initiatives and enriching learning experiences
By equipping our personnel with opportunities for continuing education and skills development, we strengthen our workforce to meet our objectives and sustainability goals in a rapidly evolving global economy.
Sustainable Technology
We design products for a positive impact on society and the environment
The next generation of electronic infrastructure and devices will provide new levels of energy efficiency, safety features, wellness solutions and other beneficial capabilities. Semiconductor technologies are vital to all these applications, and we are committed to enabling and accelerating these advancements for our customers by continuously improving our products to meet their latest test and measurement challenges.
Customers rely upon our test and measurement products to reduce waste and improve their yields. Our products are designed to operate efficiently in every respect and help prevent the unnecessary use of materials, chemicals and energy by our customers as they move their emerging technologies “from the lab to the fab” and into their volume production.
We use the term “sustainable technology” to refer specifically to the roles that the performance and design of our products and technologies play in creating a more sustainable future. We are committed to a culture of sustainability-by-design which requires that we actively consider the service of environmental and social benefits in the development of our products.
Each of our personnel is expected to look for opportunities to enhance our sustainable technology in product development, design and related activities. Our internal policies and programs help guide personnel in these efforts:
- Designing for Total Product Performance - focusing upon creating longer-lasting, more durable and better functioning products for better societal and environmental outcomes, which may involve integrating multiple functions within a single product, or designing products for future configuration across different applications to serve sustainability objectives.
- Designing for Total Life Cycle - considering the entire life cycle of a product during development and design, including the afterlife of the product.
- Designing Products for Safety - reinforcing that every component and device can be designed with greater safety in mind -- from controlling potential electrical hazards to ergonomics, and by providing customer-friendly product safety instructions.
- Designing for Energy Efficiency - practically every design choice can support or enhance the energy efficiency of a product including every material, component, mechanical and circuit.
- Designing for Repairability – taking into consideration the potential to fix something by designing our products for more non-destructive disassembly for service.
- Designing for Recyclability and Reusability - making active choices to allow items to be improved or repurposed for use in other systems where possible, such as using modular architectures that allow for upgrades and features that serve recyclability by making specific materials separable for recycling or upcycling.
- Designing for Less Hazardous Substances - selecting materials and manufacturing requirements that involve the use of fewer and less hazardous substances.
While there is no single right answer to balance the often competing aspects that influence product cost, performance and manufacturability, we are taking the above principles into account in order to realize the clear benefits of sustainable technology.
Volunteering and Youth Education
We support youth education and giving back to communities
Through our volunteer programs, youth education and philanthropic efforts we make a positive impact in the communities where we live and work.
All personnel are encouraged to share their experiences, talents, and other resources with schools, nonprofits and other organizations. We endorse volunteering and other charitable opportunities to help address local and global challenges such as access to education, housing and food insecurity, environmental restoration, and other causes for the public good, fundraising and community involvement.
Our support for youth education and community involvement is driven by our related policies and initiatives, such as:
- Inspiring personnel to participate in FormFactor’s existing volunteer opportunities and charitable programs
- Promoting personnel to use their experience and skills to support youth education in local communities
- Creating ways to enable personnel to volunteer and donate to causes that matter to them and FormFactor and encouraging all personnel to support a variety of charitable activities
- Identifying and promoting opportunities to support local communities and habitats through the appropriate contribution of company time and available resources
- Motivating personnel to give their time and donate when and how they may comfortably do so
- Promoting our scholarship programs to benefit youth educational opportunities
- Supporting internship programs to provide young people with practical experience and creating opportunities to attract a broader pool of future candidates to FormFactor
- Participating in community outreach projects to generate awareness in young people of FormFactor’s business to show how STEM education enables rewarding STEM-related careers
- Designing opportunities to encourage more women and underrepresented minorities to enter and succeed in technology careers
Participation in volunteering, youth education and other good causes helps unify FormFactor through the shared purpose and values that we express in giving back to communities and the environment.
Supply Chain Responsibility
We mitigate the sustainability risks in our extended supply chain
Our social and environmental commitments involve promoting and maintaining responsible business standards throughout our global supply chain. These criteria augment the standards of performance, service, quality and cost that we apply to all suppliers of goods and services. All personnel are required to consider environmental and social principles in their purchasing activities, such as:
- Implementing procedures to practice socially responsible procurement
- Preferring suppliers who share our environmental and social values
- Requiring suppliers to commit to sustainability principles
- Selecting suppliers who present low risk of environmental, health and safety, human rights and labor, and business ethics concerns
- Conducting meaningful supplier engagement with the aim to increase visibility into their environmental and social risks and opportunities, and drive their adoption of higher standards
- Designing incentives for suppliers to adopt environmental and social reporting practices
We believe it is important to systematically assess and mitigate the social, environmental, health, safety and ethical risks in our extended supply chain, and we will continue to advance our initiatives as appropriate for our business. All FormFactor personnel and suppliers are expected to reinforce these commitments as part of their involvement with FormFactor’s global supply chain.
Energy and Climate
We value energy efficiency and recognize the importance of addressing climate change
Our commitment to environmentally conscious operations requires that we continuously seek opportunities to reduce the amount of energy consumed, and the greenhouse gasses emitted, as a result of our activities.
All FormFactor personnel are expected to consider the potential impacts of their conduct and business decisions to help reduce the climate impact of our global operations, such as:
- Identifying and deploying programs and actions to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at each of our manufacturing sites and offices
- Supporting global environmental conservation efforts to achieve balance between human activities at work and in our communities, and the need to address climate change
- Continuously searching for innovative ways to contribute to the efforts of our customers and communities to address climate change
- Promoting the use of renewable and cleaner energy sources
- Engaging in environmental education and collective efforts regarding energy conservation and climate change prevention
- Seeking improvements in energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reductions in our supply chain and in the use of our products
Our focusing on energy and climate helps to ensure that we are strong participants in the vital efforts to protect our planet for the benefit of all peoples worldwide, including the especially vulnerable communities which are already profoundly suffering from the effects of climate change.
Waste and Chemicals
We reduce waste and carefully manage our use of hazardous substances
By reducing waste and managing our use of chemicals in a safe manner, we avoid unnecessary risks in the workplace and threats to the environment.
The world is moving toward circular economy solutions by regenerating materials and designing-out waste and pollution in all processes. We must constantly take into consideration each type of waste we generate from our global operations, and analyze our impact to the environment and to the health and safety of surrounding communities.
All FormFactor personnel are expected to continuously observe sustainability principles such as operating in a safe and responsible manner, and to make efforts to drive our internal waste and chemicals policies and objectives, such as:
- Maintaining a comprehensive set of procedures for the safe handling of chemicals to protect our workforce and the environment
- Prioritizing the use of renewable and environmentally friendly materials, and participating in efforts to reduce materials use and waste from our manufacturing and packaging
- Ensuring that all hazardous materials are properly labeled and managed to promote safe handling, movement, storage, service, recycling and disposal
- Ensuring that the Safety Data Sheets and other similar documentation are maintained and available to all personnel
- Giving preference to suppliers that demonstrate the use of manufacturing procedures which limit the production of waste and use of chemicals
- Providing or participating in regular training that addresses the responsible management of waste and chemicals
As part of meeting our quality, reliability, and cost-competitiveness goals, we think holistically and act to continuously improve the environmental impact from waste and use of chemicals.
Labor and Human Rights
We promote ethical labor practices and human rights, and have zero tolerance for forced labor
All personnel are expected to act within the highest standards to support freedom and human dignity, to uphold FormFactor’s Code of Business Conduct, and to support our labor and human rights initiatives, such as:
- Developing processes and practices to enforce our policy to never engage in or allow forced labor in any form, and to never employ children in any aspect of our business operations
- Promoting all fundamental human rights outlined in the United Nations’ International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Core Conventions, as set out in the Declaration of Fundamental Principles & Rights at Work
- Incorporating ongoing human rights due diligence practices in any areas of concern
- Adhering to the high standards of ethical conduct in all aspects of business that can impact labor and human rights, such as anti-discrimination
- Honoring freedom of association to enable workers to individually and collectively advocate for themselves
- Protecting the rights of workers to appropriate rest and personal time, including limitations on working hours
- Prohibiting pay practices that are exploitative or that deny workers to meet basic needs, as well as, immigration practices that deny freedom of movement
- Ensuring that all recruiting, hiring, training, compensation and advancement of personnel is based on the needs of the organization and the qualifications, skills and performance of the relevant workers, and aligned with FormFactor’s policies on equal opportunity
- Fostering workplaces that are free from any form of harassment or negative job actions based upon a person’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status, or other protected personal characteristics, and are aligned with our policies against harassment
- Defending the privacy of those who entrust us with their personal information
- Not tolerating retaliation of any kind against those who raise good faith concerns relating to FormFactor policies
- Recognizing that access to safe drinking water and clean air is a human right in monitoring and addressing the environmental impacts of our business operations on local communities and individuals
- Conducting ongoing due diligence on the responsible sourcing of minerals to reduce the risk of benefiting armed groups and human rights abuses
- Avoiding suppliers who do not share our commitments to respecting human rights and sound labor practices, and expecting suppliers to implement controls to evidence their commitments
- Partnering with credible organizations to prevent labor and human rights violations and promoting better working conditions
The above principles are considered in FormFactor’s business and operations to help ensure that we operate with the highest respect for labor and human rights.
Diversity and Inclusion
We are committed to gender equality, and the inclusion of individuals from diverse cultures, abilities and backgrounds
Including people with different ideas, life experiences and community perspectives is vital to achieving our collective goals. We are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion throughout our global organization and business partners. A diverse workforce and inclusive culture make us more agile, propels innovation, and helps us meet the demands of our global customer base.
To advance diversity and promote inclusion at all levels of our company, our personnel support our diversity and inclusion efforts and policies, such as:
- Promoting policies and practices that are sensitive to the various cultures and abilities for a work environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and bullying
- Engaging in outreach efforts to recruit candidates with diverse backgrounds, characteristics and perspectives
- Providing and participating in trainings and instruction to improve awareness and understanding of how to develop diversity and inclusion in the workplace
- Managing for equity in position, compensation and treatment; implementing strategies to address gaps; and recruiting qualified underrepresented minorities and supporting their retention and promotion in management roles
- Supporting the company’s equal employment opportunity and affirmative action programs, including any local equal opportunity or affirmative action plans and goals
- Promoting the development and advancement of all personnel through professional development courses and trainings
- Holding all personnel accountable for fostering an environment where every person contributes to advancing diversity and inclusion
- Maintaining an LGBTQ+-affirming environment because LGBTQ+ people are an important part of our diversity
- Promoting and participating in mentoring and networking programs that support underrepresented minorities and organizational inclusion
Unique backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives drive FormFactor’s sustainable growth and builds a desirable company culture. Everyone within FormFactor plays a vital part in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.